About Us

About us


We are just a group of guys that want to help people find better gifts. One day while searching for gifts for a friend’s birthday we noticed that it seemed as though everyone making gift suggestions online were buying for the same cookie cutter guy. WELL… Guys are not cookie cutter, or at least you’d need different cutters for different guys and likely the guys would be different kinds of cookie some may be big round chocolate chip and others may be skinnier and have marshmallows on top. NO man is oatmeal raisin, don’t be rude. There is actually a lot of debate between the gift guide guys prior to every post about the gift ideas we find and whether there is a group of guys that may want these things, or whose family may benefit from our posts and by extension maybe the guy will benefit. If you watch our content, especially as the amount of content grows, we hope you find a useful, funny, or thoughtful gift for the person in your life that means enough to you to ask strangers for help. We appreciate you for watching our content, liking our posts and following us for more Gift ideas for the people you love.


We go by many names well actually just 4 names since there are four of us. 

There is Jacob, Riley, Nathan, and Patrick. 

We have all been best friends for over a decade and we have always wanted to go into business together and when we saw an opportunity to help people that were desperate for help we found our opportunity.

As a disclaimer we would like to be completely honest, while we do stand behind our choices in gift ideas and hope that your loved ones adore them, we do receive affiliate payments as a part of posting the links we appreciate every visit to our website and it is our mission to maintain honesty and trust between ourselves and those that visit our site. We appreciate you.